Personal Website of Michael Burawoy
He has been president of the American Sociological Association (2003-4); president of the International Sociological Association (2010-14); founding editor of the magazine, Global Dialogue (2010-2017); and co-chair and secretary of the Berkeley Faculty Association (2015-2021). After 47 years, he left Berkeley for the world.
Department of Sociology, University of California Berkeley
The University of California, Berkeley, Department of Sociology is one of the world's top-ranked centers for sociological research and teaching. Distinctive for its diversity of intellectual and methodological approaches.
Department of Sociology, University of California Berkeley
The University of California, Berkeley, Department of Sociology is one of the world's top-ranked centers for sociological research and teaching. Distinctive for its diversity of intellectual and methodological approaches.
Department of Sociology, University of California Berkeley
The University of California, Berkeley, Department of Sociology is one of the world's top-ranked centers for sociological research and teaching. Distinctive for its diversity of intellectual and methodological approaches.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; Telephone: 510-643-1958 Education B.A. Mathematics, University of Cambridge, England, 1968.
Michael Burawoy University of California–Berkeley Responding to the growing gap between the sociological ethos and the world we study, the challenge of public sociology is to engage multiple publics in multiple ways. These public sociologies should not be left out in the cold, but brought into the framework of our discipline.
Michael Burawoy
The University of California, Berkeley, Department of Sociology is one of the world's top-ranked centers for sociological research and teaching. Distinctive for its diversity of intellectual and methodological approaches.
Michael Burawoy University of California, Berkeley In this article I elaborate and codify the extended case method, which deploys partici-pant observation to locate everyday life in its extralocal and historical context. The extended case method emulates a reflexive model of science that takes as its premise the
LIVING THEORY - Michael Burawoy
The University of California, Berkeley, Department of Sociology is one of the world's top-ranked centers for sociological research and teaching. Distinctive for its diversity of intellectual and methodological approaches.
LIVING SOCIOLOGY - Michael Burawoy
Dialogue with His Intellectual Opponents. About the Sociological Marxism of Michael Burawoy. Essay by Sebastien Antoine, Cécile Piret et François Rinschbergh, 2021 . The Fate of Trumpism and the Future of Liberal Democracy (Interview with Dimitris Givis from newspaper Epohi, Greece, January 10, 2021) English