Founders Dr Simon Stanley and wife Isobel were both microbiologists, but with thoroughly unlikely specialties: he in low-temperature microbiology, taking him to the Antarctic, and she in a worldwide ...
Established in 1999, today Bent Creek is a joint partnership between Sam Rugari and David Garrick, collectively with over 40 years' experience in the wine industry. They source premium fruit from ...
Melbourne-based business partners and friends, Oliver and Brooke Smith, Paul and Tanya Smith and Charlie and Hayley Blomley bought Waratah Hills cellar door in Aug ’20. Oliver's brother Ben lives on ...
Peter and Glenys Dixon hastened slowly with Henty Estate. In 1991 they began the planting of 4.5ha of shiraz, 1ha each of cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay, and 0.5ha of riesling. In their words, ‘we ...
Mon Tout (‘my everything' in French) is the venture of second-generation vigneron Richard Burch, son of Jeff and Amy Burch of Howard Park. The wines are crafted from small parcels of hand-picked fruit ...
Fox Creek has a winemaking history that dates back to '84 when Helen and Dr Jim Watts purchased a 32ha property in McLaren Vale. The winery has been upgraded to handle the expanded production of Fox ...
Doug Neal is a long-time, passionate student of the grape, gaining a lifetime of experience helping close mate Rick Kinzbrunner at Giaconda before launching into a career making wine at Paradise IV ...
3 Drops is the name of the Bradbury family vineyard at Mount Barker. The name reflects wine, olive oil and water – all of which come from the substantial property. The vineyard is planted to riesling, ...
Since the latter part of the 1990s, Summerhill Wines has successfully gone through various crises. Having started with 6 tonnes of grapes in 1998 producing a mix of multi-regional wines, vintage ...
Ernest Schuetz’s involvement in the wine industry started in '88 at the age of 21. Working in various liquor outlets and as a sales rep gave him an in-depth understanding of all aspects of the wine ...
Coonawarra is famed for its terra rossa soil and cool-climate wines. Home to robust reds, here are five wines to try. Coonawarra is located in the south east corner of South Australia (which is also ...
The language of wine can be confounding. Here, Halliday tasting team member and long-time wine writer Jane Faulkner provides some practical guidelines for describing wine. What are the most useful ...