To what extent can the situation of the Latin American republics be likened to that of other semi-colonial nations? footnote 1 Their economic position is undoubtedly semi-colonial; and as native ...
Afew years ago, a group of researchers from the Stanford Literary Lab decided to use topic modelling to extract geographical information from nineteenth-century novels. Though the study was eventually ...
Naomi Klein has a gift for grasping the essence of the current political situation and providing a rallying point for the Left. She did so in No Logo, her 2000 best-seller, and she does again in The ...
Having previously argued for the general superiority of Marxist class analysis over its main sociological rivals—especially Weberian approaches and those adopted within mainstream stratification ...
Even the most abstract theoretical discourses and scientific endeavours are the product of particular societies in a particular historical period. As human beings live in societies and as these ...
Looking at Dostoevsky’s draft manuscripts and papers, one sees how decisive planning was to him in an existential-creative sense, or even a metaphysical one: devising plans became an end in ...
The representation of the unadorned human body by artists—the transformation of the naked into the nude—was reckoned among the highest goals of European art from the Renaissance until well into the ...
Inspection reveals an argument as simple as it was mistaken. United Kingdom collapse was inescapable for historical reasons a thousand times analysed and commented: the retreat of an imperial economy ...
‘Capitalism, by mightily furthering the development of the productive forces, and in virtue of its inherent contradictions, . . . provide(s) an excellent soil for the historical progress of society ...
The Gulag Archipelago testifies to a threefold tragedy. First, the tragedy of the Stalinist purges that struck at millions of Soviet citizens, among them the majority of the old cadres of the ...
The lifetime of Auguste Blanqui (1805–81) coincides with the rise and fall of the secret society as an effective harbinger of socialism. Auguste Blanqui was the son of a low rank imperial official; ...
Isubmit that proportional representation is a fundamental socialist concept. I argue, furthermore, that no socialist seriously committed to democratic, accountable representation can advocate any ...