The Smithsonian Institution will close its Office of Diversity, a spokesperson confirmed Tuesday, only a week after President Donald Trump directed all federal diversity, equity and inclusion ...
The National Museum of African Art in Washington, DC, one of 21 museums in the Smithsonian Institution (photo via Getty Images) Success! Your account was created and you’re signed in.
Human use of fire has produced an era of uncontrolled burning Stephen Pyne, The Conversation Los Angeles is burning, but it isn’t alone. In recent years, fires have blasted through cities in ...
What is included in the Smithsonian magazine digital edition? The Smithsonian magazine digital edition includes all the editorial content and photos from the current print issue of Smithsonian ...
Whether in museums, schools, or communities, Smithsonian educators and experts invite conversation, collaboration, and exchange, helping learners develop transferable critical thinking skills that ...
This may in turn curb their screen use. But just how bad is their screen usage? For the first time, we conduct a national survey to find out just how bad teenagers’ screen use is and what ...
This may in turn curb their screen use. But just how bad is their screen usage? For the first time, we conduct a national survey to find out just how bad teenagers’ screen use is and what ...
A newly-discovered bug in Diablo 4 is causing some players to deal so much damage that the numbers don’t even matter anymore. Although the specifics of how the bug works are still unclear ...
The highly contagious norovirus – popularly known as “stomach flu” or the “winter vomiting bug” – is now surging through the U.S.. The number of outbreaks is up significantly over ...
Watch Re: Post-Brexit Blues 5 years on from Brexit: how do Brexit voters feel? 32 min Watch the programme Watch ARTE Europe Weekly Young People in Europe: Why is there a mental health crisis? 10 min ...
It’s one of the most important pieces of forensic evidence following a plane crash: The so-called “black box.” There are actually two of these remarkably sturdy devices: the cockpit voice ...
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