One of Pixar Animation Studios’ most recent movies, Luca is a delightful coming-of-age story. Centering on the titular Luca Paguro (voiced by Jacob Tremblay), director Enrico Casarosa’s film ...
Seeing about 150 new movies in a year might seem like a lot, but it’s one of the best ways to really grasp the cinematic ...
After 2024’s optimistic finish for cinemas, Disney, Warner Bros. and Neon comprise some of the most unpredictable options this year ...
Disney will focus on expanding Walt Disney World, celebrating Disneyland Resort's 70th anniversary, and launching the Disney Adventure and Disney Destiny cruise ships.
It features Luca in sea monster form. The white bathroom wall has a ... They display artwork from various Pixar films and play the hotel’s background music loop. Luxo Jr. is here on the desk. This ...
This daytime parade features its own theme song alongside a slew of dancers and colorful floats, with nearly 30 characters from Pixar Animation Studios films including “Turning Red,” “Up,” “Luca,” and ...
This groundbreaking series marks a significant milestone for Pixar, expanding beyond its acclaimed feature films into ...
A little movie that could, this animated Christmas adventure was so critically beloved that it competed with giants like Pixar and DreamWorks for the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. It’s a ...
Pixar, as an animation studio, used to resist the idea of pumping out too many sequels. Sure, the studio’s first movie, Toy Story, got a sequel back in the 1990s, but then its entire 2000s run ...