The man who Police say assaulted two Commanders fans on camera in a viral video last week turned himself in Monday morning, according to police and his defense attorney. John Callis, 24, surrendered ...
Something that would have helped solve the problem, Obama added, was the bipartisan border bill Trump ordered Republican ...
[Newtalk新聞] 第20號潭美颱風形成,路徑逐漸明朗,通過菲律賓機率最高,週四、五通過菲律賓進入南海期間,西部風浪大、北部有大雨、宜花東有強降雨,臉書粉專「台灣颱風論壇|天氣特急」今(22)日表示,即便颱風沒有侵襲,但仍需注意間接影響。
生活中心/曾郁雅報導熱帶性低氣壓TD24已經於22日凌晨2點形成輕颱「潭美」(TRAMI),中央氣象署緊接著在凌晨3點40分發布陸上強風特報,提醒包含基隆北海岸、新北市、桃園市、新竹市在內16區域於本日清晨到週六上午將受到影響;民視氣象主播林嘉愷分析 ...
Flooding in New Mexico caused by heavy rainfall over the weekend killed two people, according to officials and authorities, ...
A 29-year-old woman was arrested for allegedly engaging in an inappropriate relationship with an inmate while working at ...
In the United States, we elect our president and vice president using the Electoral College rather than the national popular ...
Inside Look is a Modesto Bee series where we take readers behind the scenes at restaurants, new businesses, local landmarks ...
The sentencing hearing for the Carnduff, Sask., man who withheld his seven-year-old daughter from her mother to prevent the ...