The 2024 Visualization Significant New Researcher Award has been awarded to Professor Mennatallah El-Assady. The prize is granted by IEEE VIS, a forum for advances in theory, methods, and applications ...
A robotic platform for more accurate cancer diagnosis, a simple method for separating rare earth metals, a warning sensor for leaks in tissue after surgery, a noise-absorbing composite material, or ...
Researchers at ETH Zurich, together with partners, have provided the first comprehensive technical interpretation of the EU AI Act for General Purpose AI (GPAI) models. They present the first ...
Our free newsletters keep you informed about current ETH News (incl. press releases) as well as the latest posts from the Zukunftsblog and our magazine "Globe". Please use normal letters if your name ...
Research knows no borders. International research projects and global partnerships are very important for ETH Zurich. However, they also present us with challenges when research extends Switzerland's ...
How can I find a job at ETH Zurich? We publish all our open positions on our job portal. If you cannot find a suitable job, you can arrange a jobmail. Can I apply proactively at ETH Zurich? Due to ...
It is normal to feel destressed or anxious in the demanding everyday university life. Therefore, you should take care proactively about your mental state and influence it positively. Following aspects ...
Professor Mennatallah El-Assady, Leiterin des Interactive Visualization and Intelligence Augmentation Lab am Departement ...
Neue Verträge, Vertragsverlängerungen und Vertragsänderungen: Jedes Jahr erstellt die Abteilung HR Operations rund 16'000 Arbeitsverträge – das entspricht durchschnittlich etwa 61 Verträgen pro ...
Una piattaforma robotica per una diagnosi più accurata del cancro, un processo semplice per separare le terre rare, un sensore di allarme per le perdite nei tessuti dopo le operazioni, un materiale ...
Le "2024 Visualization Significant New Researcher Award" a été décerné au professeur Mennatallah El-Assady. Le prix est décerné par IEEE VIS, un forum pour les progrès de la théorie, des méthodes et ...