Some credit cards provide roadside assistance perks. Most cards will arrange help at a set cost, but some provide coverage up ...
"Don't wait, plan early, plan ahead. A lot of the top destinations are selling out already,” said Jamie Welsh, retail store ...
According to AAA, the average price for a spring break domestic plane ticket is $820, up 7% from last year. For international travel, it will cost you more than $1,400 for a ticket. Hotels stays in ...
Gasoline prices at stations and convenience stores in Grays Harbor County have risen sharply in the past three weeks. Prices have jumped as much as $.40 per gallon for regular unleaded (87 octane) at ...
Experts say cruise control is best on long, clear highways where you can drive at a steady speed for lengthy periods.
With the coldest winds of winter howling this week, many Iowans may be dreaming of warmer climates and late season getaways.