Nipples and ruffles and more nipples, oh my! The exclusive Vanity Fair Oscars After Party came and went Sunday night, and as ...
Leading foreign correspondent and bestselling author Christina Lamb discusses her remarkable career covering war and conflict across the globe, ...
We all know what the moral to The Lorax is, right? Respect the environment and conservation. Well guess what, you're WRONG! At least, you are wrong if we are talking about the 2012 movie version of ...
At its core, cult phenomenon “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is a movie about conservative values versus transgression. The ...
Linus O'Brien, the son of 'Rocky Horror' creator Richard O'Brien, assembles an impressive talking-head cast from the musical ...
Horror movies like The Blair Witch Project and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre are so terrifying that you won't want to leave your house again.
Harry Potter went down in history as a landmark in literature and cinema, winning a legion of loyal fans to this day. But ...
The lo-fi sci-fi horror film 'Ash' follows a woman who wakes up on a space station alone ... or so she thinks. It's a cosmic ...