Antibiotics are one of the most significant medical developments of the 20th century. However, their widespread inclusion in therapeutic use has also developed adverse health implications. These are ...
In the mainstream literature, commercialisation of agriculture is studied in a linear fashion as a process of growth of surplus. However, the advance of productive forces that follow commercialisation ...
The recent remarks on menstrual leave in the Indian Parliament raise many issues about the states’ understanding of menstruation and women’s body. The frequently used argument against menstrual leave ...
EPW consults referees from a database of 200+ academicians in different fields of the social sciences on papers that are published in the Special Article and Notes sections. Click here for summary ...
EPW consults referees from a database of 200+ academicians in different fields of the social sciences on papers that are published in the Special Article and Notes sections. Click here for summary ...
Understanding the dynamics of social networks is crucial for comprehending how communities adapt to social, economic, and technological changes. This paper analyses the evolution of village social ...
Reason empowers common citizens, but it is feared by the power that survives on unreason.
The goods and services tax data varies based on sources. Therefore, depending on the database one chooses, the revenue performance assessment of the GST will be different. Moreover, GST collection and ...
Collective actions through rubber producer societies can overcome poor bargaining power and scale diseconomies for the fragmented, small, and marginal growers of natural rubber. Membership in these ...
EPW consults referees from a database of 200+ academicians in different fields of the social sciences on papers that are published in the Special Article and Notes sections. Click here for summary ...
Frugal technological activity through jugaad or frugal invention, collective and defensive technological strategies, or grassroots innovation can battle the lived experience of inequality, and perhaps ...
In a context marked by many structural changes and high inequalities, longitudinal studies appear to be particularly useful and revealing in analysing the extent of socio-economic dynamics. This paper ...