Archaeologists in the Archaeological Zone of Dzibanché, Mexico, have unearthed three ancient relief facades depicting motifs ...
A unique discovery has merged Norse legend with modern science. Archaeologists have identified a mysterious skeleton known as ...
Wessex ArchaeologyToday we're delighted to announce the discovery of one of the oldest and most complete wooden tools ever found in Britain.
A remarkable treasure from one of the most transformative periods in English history has been secured for the British nation.
In a brilliant archaeological find on the Danube Plain near Riedlingen, southwestern Germany, a Celtic burial chamber has ...
The ConversationWhen people think of eunuchs, someone like Lord Varys from Game of Thrones often springs to mind.
Alarming information about the frequency of antiquities fraud has been revealed by a new study that shows a collection of ...
Along the ancient trail of the Silk Road, the long-distance Eurasian trade route that connected Europe and the Middle East with China from the second century BC to around 1450 AD, archaeologists have ...
Along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast in Mersin, from the ancient city of Anemurium, excavations have revealed, for the first ...
In a study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a team of scientists led by early-Earth geologist Nadja Drabon from Harvard University describe a scenario that ...
A magnificent and massive tomb belonging to an early Chinese king, likely from a ‘complex society’ and dated to ...
A phenomenal find unfolds in Sweden! Archaeologists were all set to investigate a settlement from the Stone Age outside ...