A 72-year-old has written into the Guardian newspaper after receiving a TV Licensing warning - despite not owing a TV.
As the new financial year nears, so does the dawning reality that your bills are going to cost a little extra to cover.
People who are blind or severely sight-impaired can receive 50% off the cost of your TV licence, while those in residential care or sheltered accommodation may be able to apply for a concessionary TV ...
The BBC TV licence fee will continue to rise until 2027 - but the UK Government has confirmed it will be "keeping an open ...
On the TV Licensing website it explains: “You, as the licence holder, are 75 years or older and you, or your partner living at the same address, receive Pension Credit.” BBC urged to make ...
With the price set to rise by £5 to £174.50 in April, it's an opportune time to explore ways to reduce, or even eliminate, your TV licence costs. State pensioners do not automatically qualify ...
Netflix viewers are at risk of a whopping fine if they don’t abide by the rules while watching a new show. Up to now, the streaming platform has allowed subscribers to watch their favourite programmes ...
This reduces the annual TV licence fee to £84.75 (£87.25 starting April 2025) from the standard £169.50 (£174.50 starting April). You can get more story updates straight to your inbox by ...
The cost of TV Licences is set to increase this April, coinciding with a rise in numerous other household bills. This has left many pensioners scrambling to balance their weekly state pensions.