The venerable man studied at one of the monasteries founded by St. Columba of Iona (who was probably a distant relative) in Ireland before he moved to Scotland. The young Adomnan soon became famous ...
The traditional opinion of how Columba came to Scotland ... century. Iona faced competition from other Irish monastic missions, however, and their religious power was not absolute. St Mael Rhuba ...
The island of Iona, off the west coast of Scotland, is the symbolic centre ... However, thanks to the fame of its monastic founder, St Columba, the island has always been revered as a holy place ...
The site of a lost monastery founded by one of the earliest saints to arrive in Scotland has been found ... making him a ...
Iona is a tiny island in the Inner Hebrides, situated off the Ross of Mull on Scotland's west coast. It is described as the birthplace of Christianity in Scotland after St Columba and a dozen ...