We all get the Monday blues from time to time, but when you’re permanently coloured blue, you can’t always be permanently down, as Smurfette (Demi Lovato) discovers in Smurfs: The Lost Village.
"In my blue era," Rihanna captioned the post ... including 2011's The Smurfs, 2013's The Smurfs 2 and 2017's Smurfs: The Lost Village. More from Billboard ...
It's time to hit the music because The Smurfs are back. Over eight years since the little blue creatures last graced the big screen in Smurfs: The Lost Village, they're finally marching back to ...
Honestly, I've lost count of how many Smurfs movies Hollywood has gone through ... what we're getting with Paramount's new take on the blue characters. 'New' might be too generous of an adjective ...