Harley-Davidsons are often associated in people's minds with outlaw biker gangs. But police have been using a variety of ...
Since America's first full-time municipal police force ... entries into car shows everywhere. With almost 2,000 miles of border to patrol on the line that separates the United States and Mexico ...
Police departments across the United States, including those in California, are exploring the possibility of switching their fleet of patrol cars to Tesla electric vehicles. This comes at a time when ...
Chief Smith estimates the price for each new police vehicle will be around $70,000. He is basing this estimate off 2024 pricing, so it's possible they could be even more. If the city buys 60 new ...
a key fob to possibly steal the car, and a garage door opener to get inside the victim's home. Multiple police departments are now working together because they believe some of these cases could ...