This is the first time Californians have seen this level of transparency about Caltrans projects. Statewide, 13 projects ...
Local officials commemorated the start of construction of the 91 Improvement Project between the 55 and 57 Freeways.
A collapsed wall set back the project, now 12 years old and counting, is expected to be fully repaired this summer.
The 71 Freeway in Chino Hills will be closed for the 71/91 interchange construction project nightly this month.
A new construction season is starting on state Route 21 in Wayne County. Here's what to expect if you drive the highway.
Metro has a plan to ease traffic and enhance safety on the I-105, which includes the conversion of the existing High ...
The days of "Traffic Henge" at the I-44 and Highway 75 interchange are officially numbered, according to Oklahoma Department ...