What kind of love poems are you in the mood for? Throughout literary history, love poems have connected lonely hearts, transcended cultural barriers and ultimately withstood the test of time.
Her poem Variations on the Word Love discusses many forms of love, but ultimately, for me, it is a reminder of the awesome power of that emotion. She speaks of how the word "love" - only four ...
With Valentine’s Day upon us yet again, we decided to give you a flavor of the best love writings from some of our greatest writers and poets. From W.B. Yeats to James Joyce to Seamus Heaney ...
As a poet myself now, that fascination with the written word remains, although it has evolved from limericks to sonnets and free-verse love poems ... on for the best books of poetry, ranging ...
From poems to passages from classic books and plays, here are our pick of the best love quotes in literature. Especially when the rest of the world feels dark and scary, literature is the perfect ...
In one of the most famous love poems of all time, Burns goes all out to express the wonder of love: It’s beautiful like a flower, it’s sweet like music, it’s deep as the sea. And Burns isn ...
I’ll pick a short one – Catullus. Odi et amo: quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. My favourite translation is by Peter Whigham. It takes a bit of licence ...